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St Alban's Catholic Academy

St Alban's

Catholic Academy

First Avenue, Harlow, Essex, CM20 2NP

Through God’s love we learn together, grow together and achieve together.

Today Year 3 had a very surprising afternoon. It all started when Mrs Anderson was discussing with them what their topic would be this first half term; the children had worked out that they would be learning about fossils and dinosaurs. They were naturally very excited and as a treat Mrs Anderson put on an episode of Andy’s prehistoric Adventures (as it is about the dinosaurs and the prehistoric era)

          Suddenly Mrs Anderson paused the video as she had seen something rush past the classroom! The children all agreed and said that they had heard something like a roaring noise. So they naturally went out to investigate and found 3 dinosaur eggs in the nature area! They were all very shocked and amazed by this! The class carefully brought them into the classroom and then the class discussed what sort of dinosaurs these eggs might hatch into! What an astonishing afternoon Year 3 had!!